New! Zymo Research with over 1,000 products

Zymo Research is a globally established biotechnology company and an industry leader in epigenetics, microbiomics and the emerging field of next-generation sequencing. With international facilities and a global distribution network, Zymo Research enables academic and biomedical researchers to make cutting-edge discoveries. While the company offers some of the most technologically advanced products in the industry, everything is driven by the fundamental belief that "the beauty of science is to make things simple".
Most popular products
Sample collection and stabilisation
DNA/RNA Shield™
- Nucleic acid preservation (at ambient temperature; cold free).
- Pathogen inactivation (bacteria, fungi, parasites & viruses).
- Streamlined purification (no reagent removal, universal compatibility, automated).
DNA/RNA Shield™ |
50 ml |
DNA/RNA Shield™ (2X Concentrate) |
25 ml |
DNA/RNA Shield™ Collection Devices
Blood Collection Tube
Evacuated blood tube (16 x 100 mm) filled with 6 ml DNA/RNA Shield™ for direct collection of 3 ml whole blood (human or animal).
Fecal Collection Tube
15 ml container (pre-filled with 9 ml DNA/RNA Shield™) for direct collection of up to 1 g and/or 1 ml stool. Collection spoon included in container screw cap.
Microbe & Tissue Lysis Tubes
2 ml collection tube (prefilled with 1 ml DNA/RNA Shield™) and BashingBeads™ for collection and homogenisation of microbial or tissue samples.
Swab and collection tube
5 ml screw cap container (12 x 80 mm) filled with 1 ml DNA/RNA Shield™ and a sterile swab for sample collection.
DNA/RNA Shield™ - Blood Collection Tube |
50 tubes |
DNA/RNA Shield™ - Fecal Collection Tube |
10 tubes |
DNA/RNA Shield™ Lysis Tube (Microbe) |
50 tubes |
DNA/RNA Shield™ Lysis Tube w/ Swab (Microbe) |
50 tubes |
DNA/RNA Shield™ Lysis Tube (Tissue) |
50 tubes |
DNA/RNA Shield™ - Swab & Collection Tube |
10 tubes (1 ml fill) |
RNA Purification
Direct-zol™ RNA Miniprep Kit
- Easy to use: No phase separation or precipitation steps
- NGS-ready: Ultra-pure RNA without phenol carryover. No DNA contamination (DNase I included).
- Non-biased: Complete RNA recovery with no loss of miRNA.
Direct-zol™ RNA Miniprep Kit |
50 preps |
Direct-zol™ RNA Miniprep Plus Kit |
50 preps |
Quick-RNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit
- Broad range: Extract total RNA (including small/micro RNA) from any sample.
- DNA-free: Includes a column for removing genomic DNA and DNase I.
- NGS-ready: RNA is ready for all downstream applications including next-gen sequencing, RT-qPCR, hybridisation, etc.
Quick-RNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit |
50 preps |
RNA Clean up
RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5
- NGS-ready: RNA is ready for all downstream applications including next-gen sequencing, RT-qPCR, hybridisation, etc.
- Ultra-pure: Eliminate impurities and inhibitors in 5 minutes.
- Maximum recovery: Recover >90% and elute in as little as 6 µl.
RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 |
50 preps |
RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 w/ DNase I |
50 preps |
DNA/RNA Co-Purification
Quick-DNA/RNA™ Miniprep Plus
- Highest yields: Efficient isolation of genomic DNA and total RNA (including miRNA) from any sample source.
- NGS-ready: DNA/RNA is ready for all downstream applications including next-generation sequencing, RT-qPCR, hybridisation, etc.
- Single cell detection: Ready for high sensitivity assays down to a single cell (6 µl elution volume).
Quick-DNA/RNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit |
50 preps |
DNA Genomics DNA Isolation
Quick-DNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit
- Quick & easy: Simple 20 minute procedure.
- Highest yield: Recover 3x more DNA.
- Ultra-pure: Ready for qPCR, next-gen sequencing, arrays, etc.
Quick-DNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit |
50 preps |
Quick-cfDNA™ Serum & Plasma Kit
- High throughput: Purify ≤ 10 ml of serum or plasma and elute with 35 µl.
- Highest yields: Consistently purify > 30% more cfDNA.
- Ultra-pure: Ready for qPCR, next-gen sequencing, etc.
Quick-cfDNA™ Serum & Plasma Kit |
50 preps |
DNA Clean up & Gel DNA Recovery
DNA Clean & Concentrator®-5 Kit
- Fast & easy: Purify and concentrate DNA in 2 minutes.
- Highly concentrated: Elute in as little as 6 µl.
- Ultra-pure: Ready for next-gen sequencing, PCR, ligations, etc.
DNA Clean & Concentrator® -5 |
50 preps |
Zymoclean™ Gel DNA Recovery Kit
- Superior yields: Recovers 80% of DNA from agarose gels.
- Highly concentrated: Elute in as little as 6 µl.
- Ultra-pure: Ready for next-gen sequencing, PCR, ligations, etc.
Zymoclean™ Gel DNA Recovery Kit |
50 preps |
DNA Plasmid DNA Purification
ZymoPURE™ Plasmid Kits (Mini, Midi, Maxi, Giga)
EZ-Load™ technology replaces slow gravity flow columns with rapid binding and washing using a vacuum or centrifuge. The EZ-Elute™ system eliminates time-consuming alcohol precipitation steps by enabling elution of highly concentrated plasmid DNA from a spin column using a microcentrifuge. The EndoZero™ Spin-Column removes endotoxins with a simple 1 minute spin.
- Fastest: Simple 20 minute Midi/Maxipreps.
- Highest yield: 6x more plasmid.
- Ultra-pure: EndoZero™, vaccine grade, and transfection ready
ZymoPURE™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit |
50 preps |
ZymoPURE™ II Plasmid Midiprep Kit |
25 preps |
ZymoPURE™ II Plasmid Maxiprep Kit |
10 preps |
ZymoPURE™ II Plasmid Gigaprep Kit |
5 preps |
E. coli competent cells
Mix & Go!™ Competent Cells (DH5 Alpha)
- Easy 20 second transformation: No heat shock! Just add DNA and spread.
- High transformation efficiency: Achieve 108 - 109 transformants per µg plasmid DNA.
- Versatile: Excellent for general cloning, blue-white screening and plasmid isolation.
Mix & Go!™ Competent Cells - DH5 Alpha (10 x 100 μl) |
10 x 100 µl aliquots (10 tubes) |
Mix & Go!™ Competent Cells - DH5 Alpha (96 x 50 μl) |
96 x 50 µl aliquots (12 x 8-tube strips) |
Microbiomics Microbial Analysis
ZymoBIOMICS® Microbial Community Standard
- Microbiome standard: Mock microbial community of well-defined composition.
- Identify bias: Contains both tough-to-lyse and easy-to-lyse organisms.
- Accurate characterisation: Ideal for validation, optimisation and quality control of complete microbiome workflows.
ZymoBIOMICS® Microbial Community Standard |
10 preps |
ZymoBIOMICS® Microbial Community DNA Standard
- Microbiome DNA standard: Eight bacterial and two yeast genomes.
- Identification of bias in library preparation methods: The DNA has a wide GC range of 15-85%.
- Accurate composition: Ideal for validation, optimisation and quality control of microbiome workflows.
ZymoBIOMICS® Microbial Community DNA Standard |
2,000 ng |
ZymoBIOMICS® DNA Miniprep Kit
- Microbiomics-grade DNA extraction: Unbiased cell lysis for accurate microbiome measurements and certified low bioburden.
- Ultra-pure: Inhibitor-free DNA from any sample, ready for qPCR, NGS, etc.
- Simple 20 minute workflow: No precipitations or long incubations.
ZymoBIOMICS® DNA Miniprep Kit |
50 preps |
Quick-DNA™ Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep Kit
- Boost your detection: Included BashingBeads™ ensure complete lysis of difficult to lyse samples.
- Inhibitor-free: Ready for qPCR, next-gen sequencing, arrays, etc.
- Simple workflow: Lyse, purify on column and filter to remove PCR inhibitors.
Quick-DNA™ Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep Kit |
50 preps |
Quick-16S™ NGS Library Preparation Kit
- Fast & easy: Only 1.5 hours of hands-on time. No TapeStation® analysis or AMPure® clean-up.
- Accurate: Real-time PCR reduces PCR chimera formation up to 10-fold.
- Increased coverage: Novel primers increase phylogenetic coverage of bacteria and archaea, enabling species-level resolution for human microbiome profiling.
Quick-16S™ NGS Library Prep Kit |
96 rxns |
EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning® Kit
- Streamlined process: Ready to use conversion reagent is added directly to the DNA. Purified bisulfite converted DNA in < 1.5 hours.
- High quality: Bisulfite converted DNA has > 99.5% conversion efficiency with reduced fragmentation.
- NGS-ready: Low DNA input makes it ideal for preparing whole genome or targeted enrichment bisulfite libraries for methylation analysis
EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning® Kit |
50 rxns |
ChIP DNA Clean & Concentrator® Kit
- Fast: 2 minute DNA clean up of any step in a standard ChIP protocol.
- High quality: Ultra-pure, concentrated ChIP DNA can be eluted in as little as 6 µl.
- Ready to use: The DNA is ideal for PCR, arrays, DNA quantification, Southern blot analysis, sequencing and other molecular applications.
ChIP DNA Clean & Concentrator® (capped columns) |
50 preps |
Request your samples
DNA/RNA Shield™ |
8 ml |
DNA/RNA Shield™ - Swab & Collection Tube |
10 tubes |
Direct-zol™ RNA Miniprep Plus Kit |
10 preps |
RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 |
5 preps |
Quick-DNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit |
10 preps |
DNA Clean & Concentrator® -5 |
10 preps |
Zymoclean™ Gel DNA Recovery Kit |
10 preps |
ZymoPURE™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit |
10 preps |
ZymoPURE™ II Plasmid Midiprep Kit |
2 preps |
ZymoPURE™ II Plasmid Maxiprep Kit |
2 preps |
ZymoBIOMICS® DNA Miniprep Kit |
5 preps |
Mix & Go!™ Competent Cells - DH5 Alpha (10 x 100 μl) |
4 tubes |
EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning® Kit |
10 rxns |
Contact us for more information about sample requesting.
View all Zymo Research products