Clone Number: EBS-CD-003
Immunogen: human Thymocytes (3 pooled donors)
Concentration: 100 ug/ml
Storage buffer: PBS with 0.02% sodium azide
Additional info: CD2 is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed on peripheral blood T lymphocytes, NK cells and thymocytes. Interaction between CD2 and its counter receptor LFA3 (CD58) on opposing cells optimizes immune system recognition, thereby facilitating communication between helper T lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells, as well as between cytolytic effectors and target cells. EBSCD-003 reacts with human T-cells, leukemic T-cells and T-cell lines. EBS-CD-003 also reacts with some, if not all, E-RFC-receptors on K and NK cells.
References: Thurlow PJ, et al., transplantation 36: 293-298 (1983)/Kozarsky KF, et al, Cell Immunol 150: 235-246 (1993)/Schlossman SF et al. Leukocyte Typing V Oxford University Press: 342-352 (1995)