Clone Number: D11
Immunogen: membrane preparation from human hepatocytes
Concentration: 100 ug/ml
Storage buffer: PBS with 0.02% sodium azide
Additional info: D11 reacts specifically with human monocytes and macrophages, in all sorts of tissues. The 125/135 kDa antigen is present on the cell membrane as well as within cytoplasmic structures including lysosomes, and is different from CD68. Among tumors, histiocytomas and histiocytic lymphomas are positive. In ALL, positive reaction with D11 indicates B-lineage derivation. AML are negative.
References: Rudinskaya T.D. et al. Immunol Lett. 33(1): 1-7 (1992)/Frenkel M.A. et al. Gematol Transfuziol. 40(4): 13-16 (1995)/Tupitsyn N.N et al., Int J Cancer. 68(2): 160-163 (1996)