NF-κB Reporter (Luc) - HEK293 Recombinant Cell line

NF-κB Reporter (Luc) - HEK293 Recombinant Cell line
Packaging Unit
2 vials
BPS Bioscience

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Applications: The NF-κB reporter cell line is designed for screening inhibitors of NF-κB and for monitoring NF-κB signaling pathway activity.

Background: Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)/Rel proteins include NF-κB2 p52/p100, NF-κB1 p50/p105, c-Rel, RelA/p65, and RelB. These proteins function as dimeric transcription factors that control genes regulating a broad range of biological processes including innate and adaptive immunity, inflammation, stress responses, B cell development, and lymphoid organogenesis. In the classical (or canonical) pathway, NF-κB/Rel proteins are bound and inhibited by IκB proteins. Proinflammatory cytokines, LPS, growth factors, and antigen receptors activate an IKK complex (IKKβ, IKKα, and NEMO), which phosphorylates IκB proteins. Phosphorylation of IκB leads to its ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation, freeing NF-κB/Rel complexes. Active NF-κB/Rel complexes are further activated by phosphorylation and translocate to the nucleus where they induce target gene expression. In the alternative (or noncanonical) NF-κB pathway, NF-κB2 p100/ RelB complexes are inactive in the cytoplasm. Signaling through a subset of receptors, including LTβR, CD40, and BR3, activates the kinase NIK, which in turn activates IKKα complexes that phosphorylate C-terminal residues in NF-κB2 p100. Phosphorylation of NF-κB2 p100 leads to its ubiquitination and proteasomal processing to NF-κB2 p52, creating transcriptionally competent NF-κB p52/RelB complexes that translocate to the nucleus and induce target gene expression.

Biological Activity: This cell line is validated for the response to TNFalpha and to treatment with NF-κB inhibitor, evodiamine.

Description: The NF-κB reporter (Luc) HEK293 cell line is designed to monitor nuclear factor Kappa B (NF-κB) activity. It contains a firefly luciferase gene driven by four copies of the NF-κB response element located upstream of the minimal TATA promoter. After activation by pro-inflammatory cytokines or agonists of lymphokine receptors, endogenous NF-κB transcription factors bind to the DNA response elements, inducing transcription of the luciferase reporter gene. The cell line has been functionally validated in response to human TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-17.

Format: aqueous solution containing DMSO

Host Cell Line: HEK293

Mycoplasma Testing: The cell line has been screened using the PCR-based Venor™GeM Mycoplasma Detection kit (Sigma Aldrich) to confirm the absence of Mycoplasma species.

Storage Stability: Store in liquid nitrogen immediately upon receipt.

Supplied As: Each vial contains ~2 X 10^6 cells in 1 ml of 10% DMSO.

Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.

Biosafety Level: BSL-2

References: 1. Pessara U, Koch N (1990). Mol Cell Biol. 10(8):4146-4154.
2. Baeuerle PA (1998). Curr Biol. 8(1):R19-R22.
3. Takada Y, Kobayashi Y, Aggarwal BB (2005). J Biol Chem. 280(17):17203-17212.Application Reference(s):
Synthesis of novel C5-curcuminoid-fatty acid conjugates and mechanistic investigation of their anticancer activity (2015)
More Information
SKU BPS60650
Manufacturer BPS Bioscience
Manufacturer SKU 60650
Green Labware No
Package Unit 2 vials
Quantity Unit PAK
Host Human
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