NovaLisa Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG, ELISA Kit

Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG, ELISA Kit
Packaging Unit
96 Tests
Gold Standard Diagnostics

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae frequently causes pneumonias (infections of the respiratory tract) that run atypical courses, especially in the youths.In contrast to all other bacteria, mycoplasmas possess no rigid cell wall. Flagellae, fimbriae, pili, and capsules are lacking as well. These bacteria take on many different forms. The most frequent basic shape is a coccoid cell with a diameter of 0.3 - 0.8 µm. Long, fungilike filaments also occur (see figure).The cells attach themselves to the epithelia of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. The mechanisms, those finally result in destruction of the epithelial cells, are yet unknown. The infection develops into pneumonia with an inflammatory exudate in the lumens of the bronchi and bronchioles.After an incubation period of 3 weeks in three quarter of all cases a serious 'cold' accompanied by pharyngitis or tracheobronchitis develops. Only in 5 - 25 % an atypical pneumonia develops, that starts with tiredness, headache, fever and persistent cough.Sequelae can set in during or shortly after the acute infection, including pericarditis, myocarditis, pancreatitis, arthritis, erythema nodosum, hemolytic anemias, polyneuritis and others. Infections of Mycoplasma pneumoniae occur worldwide. Often schoolchildren and young adults are affected. Epidemics in joint facilities follow from the way of infection and the high risk of infection.
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Manufacturer Gold Standard Diagnostics
Manufacturer SKU MYCG0350
Green Labware No
Package Unit 96 Tests
Quantity Unit PAK
Shelf Life 18 months
Specimen Plasma, Serum
CE-IVD yes
Product information (PDF)