Immunogen: Synthetic porcine peptide YY (Peninsula)
Concentration: n/a
Storage buffer: Lyophilized; reconstitute in 100 µl dist. water
Additional info: The intestinal peptide YY is related to the PP-family of peptides and occurs in the glicentin cells in the gut. They are numerous in the rectum, colon, and ileum and few in the duodenum and jejunum. PYY has hormone-like action, inhibits gut motility and pancreatic exocrine secretion and cause vasoconstriction.
PYY may occur in endorine tumors of the pancreas and of the rectum. Absorption with 10-100 ug immunogen per ml diluted antiserum abolishes the staining.
Positive control: frozen sections of rat intestine.
References: Böttcher, al. Pancreas 1989;4: 282–8 /Billing, L. et al. Mol.Metab.2019; 29: 158-169 /Billing, L. et al. Mol.Metab. 2018;16: 65-75