Mix-n-Stain™ CF®568 Nanobody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling

Mix-n-Stain™ CF®568 Nanobody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling
Packaging Unit
5-20 μg

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Description: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye NanoBody Labeling Kits are optimized for labeling nanobodies with bright and photostable CF® dyes in 30 minutes with no purification. Kits tolerate common stabilizers, including BSA. Red fluorescent CF®568 has Ex/Em at 562/583 nm. One labeling of 5-20 ug nanobody per kit.

Product Origin: Animal - BSA from bovine serum (cow; Bos taurus)

Product applications: Nanobody labeling

Product features: Label 5-20 ug or 20-50 ug of Nanobody®Choice of 7 CF® Dye colors or biotinSimple 30 minute labeling, no purificationCompatible with common stabilizersDye options for super-resolution and 2-photon imaging
More Information
SKU BTM92506
Manufacturer Biotium
Manufacturer SKU 92506
Green Labware No
Package Unit 5-20 μg
Quantity Unit PAK
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