Amantadine-d15 (hydrochloride)

Amantadine-d15 (hydrochloride)
Packaging Unit
1 mg

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Product Description: Amantadine-d15 hydrochloride is deuterated labeled Amantadine. Amantadine (1-Adamantanamine) is an orally avtive and potent antiviral agent with activity against influenza A viruses. Amantadine inhibits several ion channels such as NMDA and M2, and also inhibits Coronavirus ion channels. Amantadine also has anti-orthopoxvirus and anticancer activity. Amantadine can be used for Parkinson's disease, postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) and COVID-19 research[1][2][3][4][5][6].

Formula: C10H3D15ClN

References: [1]Russak EM, et al. Impact of Deuterium Substitution on the Pharmacokinetics of Pharmaceuticals. Ann Pharmacother. 2019 Feb;53(2):211-216.

Molecular Weight: 202.80

Research Area: Cancer; Infection; Neurological Disease

Solubility: 10 mM in DMSO

Target: Isotope-Labeled Compounds
More Information
SKU MEXHY-W653905-1
Manufacturer MedChemExpress
Manufacturer SKU HY-W653905-1
Green Labware No
Package Unit 1 mg
Quantity Unit STK
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