Human IL5 protein, His tag

Human IL5 protein, His tag
Packaging Unit
100 μg

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Species: Human

Form: Lyophilized powder

Buffer (with preservative): Reconstitute with distilled water to 1.5 mg/ml. Lyophilized from PBS, 2% Trehalose, 5% Mannitol, 0.01% Tween-80, no Preservative.


Background: This gene encodes a cytokine that acts as a growth and differentiation factor for both B cells and eosinophils. The encoded cytokine plays a major role in the regulation of eosinophil formation, maturation, recruitment and survival. The increased production of this cytokine may be related to pathogenesis of eosinophil-dependent inflammatory diseases. This cytokine functions by binding to its receptor, which is a heterodimer, whose beta subunit is shared with the receptors for interleukine 3 (IL3) and colony stimulating factor 2 (CSF2/GM-CSF). This gene is located on chromosome 5 within a cytokine gene cluster which includes interleukin 4 (IL4), interleukin 13 (IL13), and CSF2 . This gene, IL4, and IL13 may be regulated coordinately by long-range regulatory elements spread over 120 kilobases on chromosome 5q31. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013]

Uniprot ID: P05113

Region Sequence: C-terminal His tagged Human IL5 protein (1-134 a.a. of NP_000870.1)

ExpressionSystem: HEK293 cells

Conjugation: Unconjugated

Full Name: interleukin 5
More Information
SKU GTX139317-PRO-100
Manufacturer GeneTex
Manufacturer SKU GTX139317-PRO-100
Green Labware No
Package Unit 100 μg
Quantity Unit STK
Human Gene ID 3567
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