Product Description: Batrachotoxin (BTX) is a potent neurotoxin and cardiotoxin found in the skin of the Colombian poison dart frog (Phyllobates aurotaenia). Batrachotoxin is a sodium channel activator that interacts with voltage-gated sodium channels on the cell membrane, blocking the normal closure of sodium channels, causing a continuous influx of sodium ions into the cell, thereby causing a sustained depolarization of the cell[1].
Applications: Neuroscience-Neuromodulation
Formula: C31H42N2O6
References: [1]Tokuyama, et al. Structure of batrachotoxin, a steroidal alkaloid from the Colombian arrow poison frog, Phyllobates aurotaenia, and partial synthesis of batrachotoxin and its analogs and homologs. Journal of the American Chemical Society 91.14 (1969): 3931-3938.
CAS Number: 23509-16-2
Molecular Weight: 538.67
Research Area: Neurological Disease; Cardiovascular Disease
Target: Sodium Channel