(9E)-Tetradecen-1-ol, CAS 52957-16-1

(9E)-Tetradecen-1-ol, CAS 52957-16-1
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Product Description: (9E)-Tetradecen-1-ol is a pheromone that has no significant sexual attraction when used alone and can be secreted from the abdomen of the female Bertha armyworm moth (Mamestra configurata (Walker)). Isolate in tip extract to get in isolate. Another pheromone (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol was also isolated at the same time. Only when the two pheromones are mixed do they show male attraction (the ratio of C16:C14 in the mixture is about 19:1). optimal)[1].

Formula: C14H28O

References: [1]Underhill E W, et al. A SEX PHEROMONE MIXTURE FOR THE BERTHA ARMYWORM MOTH, MAMESTRA CONFIGURATA1:(Z)-9-TETRADECEN-1-OL ACETATE AND (Z)-11-HEXADECEN-1-OL ACETATE2[J]. The Canadian Entomologist, 1977, 109(10): 1335-1340...

CAS Number: 52957-16-1

Molecular Weight: 212.37

Research Area: Endocrinology

Target: Others
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SKU MEXHY-W747104-0
Manufacturer MedChemExpress
Manufacturer SKU HY-W747104-0
Green Labware No
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