CD200R1, Fc Fusion, Avi-Tag Recombinant

CD200R1, Fc Fusion, Avi-Tag Recombinant
Packaging Unit
100 µg
BPS Bioscience

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Applications: Useful for SDS-PAGE.

Background: CD200R1 (cluster of differentiation 200 receptor 1), also known as OX-2R, is a transmembrane glycoprotein. It is found in cells of the myeloid and lymphoid lineage, such as CD4+ cells. It acts as immune inhibitory receptor, but contrary to other proteins with the same function, it does exhibit an ITIM (tyrosine-based inhibitory motif) domain. When bound to CD200 contributes to the formation of an immunosuppressive TEM (tumor microenvironment), via a Dok1 (docking protein 1), Dok2 and RasGAP dependent mechanism, leading to T cell responses inhibition, NK cell cytotoxicity decrease, potentiation of Treg cell expansion and decrease of other immune responses to cancer cells. In addition to cancer, CD200 is linked to auto-immune disorders, inflammation, infection, graft survival and cancer. Samalizumab, an anti-CD200 monoclonal antibody, has resulted in positive outcomes when used in patients suffering from CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) and MM (multiple myeloma). Inhibition of the interaction between CD200 and CD200R1 may thus be beneficial as a new therapy approach in CD200-related diseases.

Description: Recombinant human CD200R1 (cluster of differentiation 200 receptor 1), encompassing extracellular amino acids 29-265. This construct contains a C-terminal Fc domain from IgG1 followed by an Avi-Tag™. This protein was affinity purified.

Format: Aqueous buffer solution.

Formulation: 8 mM phosphate, pH 7.4, 110 mM NaCl, 2.2 mM KCl, and 20% glycerol

Genbank: NM_138806.4

Host Cell Line: HEK293

Purity: ≥90%

Storage Stability: At least 6 months at -80°C.

Tags: C-terminal FC, Avi-Tag™

Uniprot: Q8TD46

Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles

Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)
More Information
SKU BPS102032
Manufacturer BPS Bioscience
Manufacturer SKU 102032
Green Labware No
Package Unit 100 µg
Quantity Unit STK
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