Product Type: Inhibitor
CAS No.: 28957-04-2
MolecularFormula: C20H28O6
Molecular Weight: 364,4
Source: Synthetic
Purity: >98% (TLC); NMR (Conforms)
Solubility: May be dissolved in DMSO (50 mg/ml); or Ethanol (10 mg/ml, warm)
Appearance: White to off-white powder
PubChem CID: 5321010
Scientific Background: A potent, covalent inhibitor of the NLRP3 inflammasome with anti-inflammatory activity in various mouse models (1). Inhibits vascular inflammation in vivo (2). Inhibits aberrant AKT activation in human breast cancer cells with hyperactivated PI3K/AKT signaling (3). Inhibits migration, invasion and adhesion of melanoma cells (4). Induces apoptosis in osteosarcoma cells by multiple pathways (5).
References: 1. He H., et al. (2018) Nat. Commun. 9:2550.2. Huang W., et al. (2018) Eur. J. Pharmacol. 826:133.3. Sun B., et al. (2018) Oncotarget 9:23878.4. Li CY., et al. (2018) Oncol. Lett. 15:1362.5. Lu Y., et al. (2018) Cell Death Dis. 9:15.
Field of Use: Not for use in humans. Not for use in diagnostics or therapeutics. For in vitro research use only.