SPDB-DM4, CAS 1626359-62-3

SPDB-DM4, CAS 1626359-62-3
Packaging Unit
5 mg
BPS Bioscience

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CAS Number: 1626359-62-3

Description: SPDB-DM4 represents a linker-payload in which the maytansine-derived payload DM4, known for its tubulin-inhibiting properties, is linked via an SPDB linker, resulting in a highly effective treatment with strong anti-tumor capabilities. It is suitable to be conjugated into antibody drug conjugates (ADCs).

Format: Solid

Storage Stability: At least 6 months at -20°C. 

Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles. See SDS for additional warnings and handling.

Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)
More Information
SKU BPS82267-2
Manufacturer BPS Bioscience
Manufacturer SKU 82267-2
Green Labware No
Package Unit 5 mg
Quantity Unit STK
Product information (PDF)