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Product Description: MQA-P is a multifunctional near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent probe for simultaneously detecting ONOO-, viscosity, and polarity within mitochondria. MQA-P exhibits a remarkable turn-on response to ONOO- (λem=645 nm) and is highly sensitive to viscosity/polarity in the NIR channel with λem>704 nm. MQA-P exhibits excited-state intramolecular charge transfer (ESICT) feature that is highly polarity-sensitive by engineering N,N-dimethylamino as the electron donor and a quinoline cationic unit as the electron acceptor. MQA-P is used for ferroptosis or cancer diagnosis in vitro and in vivo via dual-channel images[1].

Formula: C40H36BrN2O2P

References: [1]Li Fan, et al. Multifunctional Fluorescent Probe for Simultaneous Detection of ONOO-, Viscosity, and Polarity and Its Application in Ferroptosis and Cancer Models. Anal Chem. 2023 Apr 4;95(13):5780-5787.

Molecular Weight: 687.60

Research Area: Others

Solubility: 10 mM in DMSO

Target: Others
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SKU MEXHY-149203-1
Manufacturer MedChemExpress
Manufacturer SKU HY-149203-1
Green Labware No
Package Unit 1 mg
Quantity Unit STK
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