WH-15, CAS 1264748-47-1

WH-15, CAS 1264748-47-1
Packaging Unit
10 mg

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Product Description: WH-15 is a fluorogenic PLC reporter with Km value of 49; 30, 86.1 µM for PLC-γ1, PLC-δ1, PLC-β2, respectively. WH-15 can be cleaved in a cascade reaction to generate fluorescent 6-aminoquinoline. WH-15 can be used to respond to imaging PLC activity in live cells[1].

Applications: Cancer-programmed cell death

Formula: C31H43N2O18P3

References: [1]Huang W, et al. A fluorogenic, small molecule reporter for mammalian phospholipase C isozymes. ACS Chem Biol. 2011 Mar 18;6(3):223-8.

CAS Number: 1264748-47-1

Molecular Weight: 824.60

Research Area: Cancer; Neurological Disease

Solubility: 10 mM in DMSO

Target: Phospholipase
More Information
SKU MEXHY-135799-10
Manufacturer MedChemExpress
Manufacturer SKU HY-135799-10
Green Labware No
Package Unit 10 mg
Quantity Unit STK
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