Application Note: 1. Add one drop (50μL) of DAB enhancer in 1mL of DAB incubation buffer.2. Add DAB chromogen and Peroxidase Block to the above buffer.3. Incubate tissue sections with the incubation medium.
Form: Liquid
Buffer (with preservative): 10ml concentrated solution, no preservative.
Background: DAB is a widely used chromogen for immunoperoxidase staining and immunoblotting. It has been well accepted amongst pathologists because of its superior performance as compared to amino ethylcarbazole (AEC). DAB gives cleaner background as opposed to AEC. Specimens stained in DAB can be dehydrated in ethanol and cleared in xylene and can be mounted for permanent record keeping. Strength of signal generated during the immunostaining is the key to a good staining. This is a stable liquid solution which increases the staining intensity of the tissue specimens stained with DAB several fold and hence increases the efficiency of detection systems.