PolyTek Anti-Mouse (DAB) Polymerized HRP Imaging System, CE-IVD

PolyTek Anti-Mouse (DAB) Polymerized HRP Imaging System, CE-IVD
Packaging Unit
70 Slides
ScyTek Laboratories

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Information: PolyTek HRP Anti-Mouse (DAB) Polymerized Imaging System has been developed to provide the cleanest, most consistent staining available. Developed in the research laboratories of ScyTek, the system is based on a polymerized peroxidase label that eliminates biotin and its’ associated background issues from the equation. In addition, this product reduces the steps required for immunohistochemical staining by combining two steps from the traditional Biotin-Streptavidin system. PolyTek HRP Anti-Mouse Polymerized Imaging System is effective with antibodies of mouse or rat origin.
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Manufacturer ScyTek Laboratories
Manufacturer SKU PIR080
Package Unit 70 Slides
Quantity Unit PAK
CE-IVD yes
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