ADAM9 Fluorogenic Assay Kit

ADAM9 Fluorogenic Assay Kit
Packaging Unit
96 reactions
BPS Bioscience

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Applications: Study enzyme kinetics and screen small molecule inhibitors of ADAM9 for drug discovery and high throughput screening (HTS) applications.

Background: ADAM9 (A disintegrin and a metalloprotease 9), also known as MDC9 or meltrin-γ, is one of the 22 members of the ADAM family of proteins found in humans and part of the zinc protease superfamily. It has two main known functions, acting as a metalloprotease and in adhesion. It is involved in myogenesis, cell migration and proliferation, immune responses and cell interaction with other cells or matrixes. It can be found in monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, keratinocytes, and fibroblasts. It acts on inflammatory responses by participating in monocyte fusion and the formation of MGCs (multinucleated giant cells). ADAM9 is found at high levels in many cancers, such as breast cancer, NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer), prostate and cervical cancer, amongst others., and correlates with a poor prognosis. Its restricted expression in normal tissues makes it an attractive target in ADC (antibody -drug conjugate) therapy. In pre-clinical studies a maytansinoid-based ADC compound, IMGG936, showed a good pharmacokinetic profile and antitumor activity in CDX (cell line-derived xenograft) and PDX (patient-derived xenograft) models. Other strategies targeting ADAM9 involve the use of miRNA, the use of competitive proteins such as the mouse prodomain of ADAM9, and antibodies. In addition, ADAM9 has been linked to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), vascular and neurodegenerative disorders. The development of therapies targeting this protein will no doubt result in advances in ADAM-9 related diseases.

Contraindications: The final concentration of DMSO in the assay should not exceed 1%.Compounds that are fluorescent may interfere with the results, depending on their spectral excitation and emission properties.It is recommended that the compound alone is tested to determine any potential interference of the compound on the assay results.The presence of strong acids or bases, ionic detergents and high salt should be avoided.

Description: The ADAM9 Fluorogenic Assay Kit is designed to measure ADAM9 (A disintegrin and a metalloprotease 9) protease activity for screening and profiling applications. The assay kit comes in a convenient 96-well format, with enough recombinant ADAM9, fluorogenic substrate and solution, and assay buffer for 100 enzyme reactions. 

Storage Stability: This assay kit will perform optimally for up to 6 months from date of receipt when the materials are stored as directed.

Uniprot: Q13443

Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles

Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)

References: Scribner J., et al., 2022 Mol Cancer Ther 21(7):1047:1059.
Chou C., et al., 2020 Int J Mol Sci 21(20):7790.
More Information
SKU BPS82537
Manufacturer BPS Bioscience
Manufacturer SKU 82537
Green Labware No
Package Unit 96 reactions
Quantity Unit PAK
Product information (PDF)